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Who or What is ArGii ?

ArGii has become the name I work under as producer, songwriter, and performer. My real name is Andrew. My publishing company is Red Rad Bear. "ArGii" was given to me by a friend who's punk band I was briefly in. Everybody had ridiculous names. It's kind of a play on Avicii, a humurous satire on DJ names. Except it actually sounds like a legit DJ. I'm still working on my "trap" skills. 

Who then is Life On The Horizon and are they still around today ?!

Life On The Horizon (LOH for short) is a band that I started back in Philadelphia. Originally intended as a recording project, it evolved into a live band. We released one studio album officially, and were featured on mainstream radio with singles 'Breaking The Wire' and 'Caroline'. LOH lasted from 2011 - 2014. The beast may resurface at some point in the future. 


What is ArGii + Stones?

ArGii + Stones are two separate acts. My friend Jo Stones and I did a U.S. National Tour from May - July 2016. We played 15 shows in 13 different cities, self funded it, campaigned on Instagram, and had an absolute blast doing it. During the tour Jo Stones debuted his album "Under The Influence" and I debuted "Work In Progress" both of which showcased our growth as songwriters. We are still open to touring again in the future...after we write some material together. 

Where is ArGii now ?!

In August 2016, I relocated to Los Angeles and started infiltrating Experiential Marketing. 2017 has seen the release of Miguel Angel's "Heartstrings"; an album which I produced, arranged, and performed on. With more projects and productions on the shelf, 2018 could be a busy year with releases. Stay connected.


I want ArGii at my event, in my city, collaborate, on my project, or just in general. Where can I get ahold of him ?

Contact me and say hey!

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